His International – Diplomatic Activities

Israel Yeshayahu conducted many diplomatic relations in his various capacities and throughout his many years of activity.

Yeshayahu did so in view of his recognition of the importance of international relations for the strengthening of the State of Israel and out of his staunch belief in positive, global relationships.



Yeshayahu in Aden, with emissaries from Israel and local children, 1948

Yeshayahu with his wife, Rina in Eritrea, and representatives of the Aden Community, 1952

Yeshayahu with Shazar, at The World Jewish Congress in Stockholm, 1959

Yeshayahu with Prime Minister of Denmark, Vigo Kampfmann, 1962

Yeshayahu in a reception for the Speaker of the Liberian Parliament, Mr. Hindus, 1963

Yeshayahu with President of the ZOA, Mr, Harman, in the Knesset, 1972

Yeshayahu and his wife during a visit to an OLIM hostel in Vienna, 1973

Yeshayahu in a delegation to Austria, 1975

Yeshayahu hands a Menorah to President Ford, 1975

Yeshayahu with a delegation from Upper Volta

Yeshayahu with Mrs. Renger, Speaker of the Bundestag, during her visit to Israel

Yeshayahu in his chambers with Sheikh Ja’abari

Yeshayahu addresses the Makoya Sect from Japan during their visit in Israel




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